Augsburg –

Trips through the Fuggerstadt

You can find our emmy mopeds everywhere in the city center. With the emmy app, you can see at a glance which electric mopeds are available in your area and reserve them immediately for free.

Augsburger Puppenkiste

Alone or with friends to the Augsburger Puppenkiste? With emmy there is always room for two and, whether you have a big or small head, there is a helmet for everyone. On the way back, you can relax and talk about the show, because our electric scooters only whirr quietly.

Unterwegs im Lechviertel

Whether for a leisurely coffee or a stroll along the Lech, emmy will take you through the entire Lechviertel in a relaxed manner, allowing you to enjoy the picturesque streets, traditional buildings and charming atmosphere.

Baden in der Wertach

Want to take a quick sun and stream bath? No problem, with the discounted parking function, the packed moped is available just for you even after the bathing fun, so you can continue riding straight away.

Let’s go Augsburg🛵

Augsburg is an outdoor city, emmy is outdoor driving! Whether you have a date today at the cathedral or in a park, garden, cinema or café, you can now use emmy in the city center, Lechviertel, Altstadt, Pfersee, Stadtjägerviertel, Kriegshaber and parts of Oberhausen, Lechhausen and Göggingen.

On the road to uni🎓

Are you studying at the University of Augsburg, TH, FOM or do you like to chill out in the university library from time to time? With emmy, you will definitely get to all lectures and bookshelves on time and reliably.

Get 15 free minutes!

Rigster with the Code: Web24 and start driving!
(Code is valid for 14 days)

Travel through Augsburg with emmy!

Install the emmy app, register for free and start riding straight away.

How it works

Why make it complicated when you can make it simple? It doesn’t take long before you’re sitting on the moped – but see for yourself. You can find out how to start the scooter and end your rental here.

1. Register

Quick and easy! All you need is your driver’s license, ID card or passport. A letter of motivation would be nice, but is not absolutely necessary.

2. Verify your driver's license

Simply download the emmy app, quickly upload a picture of your driver’s license (class B) and we can activate you for our fleet.

3. Riding

The paperwork is done, we like you – welcome on board! Now quickly find the nearest emmy in the app and off you go. It’s best to drive up to the future parents-in-law right away!

How do you start the moped?

1. Open helmet box

Once you have started the rental (via the app) and unlocked the helmet box, press the red button firmly to open the helmet box.



2. select helmet

The black helmet with the red emmy sticker is always bigger than the one with the white sticker. For the other helmets, you will find the size information inside the helmet. If necessary, take gloves, a hygiene cap or the microfiber cloth for wiping dry from the helmet box.



3. Jacking up the scooter

Stand with your legs over the scooter and push the handlebars forwards firmly with both hands.

4. Start engine

Pull the right brake lever and press the P button until “00” is displayed on the moped’s dashboard.

How do you end the rental?

Parking without stress!

Parking with our emmys is super easy. You can conveniently park your moped in the public parking area but never on the sidewalk. Please park your two-wheeler in such a way that it does not interfere with other road users. You can also find all park rules here in our FAQ.


Any other questions?

You want to know exactly, don’t you?
Check out our FAQs!